You can use LED lighting mostly in indoor farming such as green houses. Especially red and blue LED lights impersonate sunlight that is important for photosynthesis where the LED light energy is transformed into chemical energy.
The most important characteristic of LED lights is that it is energy saving and therefore makes it an important aspect in your garden whereby you’ll have to save on the amount of electricity used while using the LED lights hence your plants will receive sufficient light for their growth.
Now that your plants are in an enclosed environment, you will need lighting for longer hours .This means you’ll have to spend more on electricity. However, LED lights are cost effective due to their ability to use less energy and produce lighter .with this you will have no worry in lighting up your farm all the time.
LED produces light with less heat production therefore you will not have to keep adjusting the temperature in your indoor farm .keep in mind that low temperature retains moisture in the soil so this will help you not water your plants frequently.